Sunday, August 5, 2012

Friends in far away places

So someone I met on the interwebs who is also having twins just arrived in Anand, and ever so graciously checked on my babies for me and fulfilled my request to email me some pictures of them! I just about fell out of bed and was yelling at my phone to load faster! It is so good to have a friend along this journey!

I have yet to see my baby boy not crying. My little girl is chilling in all 3 pics I have of her. All reports from the nurse Suvarna are good and it really emphasized that breathing without assistance at this point is very, very good.

The baby shower was yesterday, and I am overwhelmed with how many wonderful and and generous friends I have. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to work my new camera that my father-in-law gifted us, so I'll have to wait for my mother to email me her shots to post here. I had a wonderful time, and got some beautiful gifts. Most especially I got two little hand-knitted baby blankets with the alphabet on them, and two tiny knitted outfits with adorable fringed hats! Can't wait to dress them up for photos. My father bought us the Snuza Halo monitors so that I can have peace of mind.  I just was reading some Amazon reviews and there were several life saves reported, so this should help me to be a more relaxed Mom and sleep a bit deeper. As someone who has heard the screams of parents whose babies have died of changes you to the point you have to take every precaution because you know bad things can happen to good parents.

I got mandated to come in early on my last day of work before I leave, but fortunately they flexed me out and someone else took overtime so I can still work just 8 hours. I may get the nursery painted tonight after all...we'll see! The to do list for tonight is daunting, but I can sleep on the plane. I'm frustrated because I have a very small stack of items to take that I can't seem to fit in the suitcases. 4 of them are books, which I really don't want to sacrifice. The breast pump is really the problem because it is taking up so much space. I'll figure it out. I'll figure all this out. I can't wait to see my babies!!!!

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